I had a lady come into the store today would was really rude and down right nasty. She had already been in when I wasn't there and was also rude to an employee. I gave her what she wanted to get rid of her and then after she left I got really upset. I frankly was ready to lock the doors and leave. With all the other stress over the business I just felt I couldn't deal with any more. After awhile I did compose myself and then later in the day I just got mad. Why did I give into her demands. I know in business "customers are always right" but really they are sometimes wrong. Later in the day the art class came and I just love those kids. They are fun and loving. So why do I waste so much time and thought on the few people who cause trouble. It does seem like I can only focus on what goes wrong than all the things that go right. There are many people who have been supportive to me.
A wonderful mentor to me who is no longer living, DiAnne, our former pastors wife, gave me scripture for different times in my life. One that comes to mind is "Harsh words stir up anger and a soft answer turns away wrath" (not a direct quote because I'm to tired to get up and look up the verse-its in Psalms) I need to have soft answers and sometimes just be quite. I doubt that lady will ever be in the store again and she probably will tell some others about it but I choose to not focus on her but continue walking where God wants me to.
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