I can't believe it's already 2009! This year has many changes in store for our family. Our last daughter graduating from high school, college decisions, maybe a wedding, a new baby, great nephew, arriving in just a month. Plus all the stuff we don't know that's coming. Some of these changes are exciting and scary. There is always mixed feeling with change, we know it happens but there is also sadness that life is moving on whether we are ready or not. So the best thing to do is trust God is doing the best for me and my family and embrace the changes. I know from past experiences not everything has gone my way and many things I wish we could avoid but those experiences also make me who I am. I love and cherish my family and look forward to this year.
January also brings some sad memories as I reflect on the past years. It has been 5 years since Kevin has been in church. I miss going to church as a family and sharing this area of our lives. I know he is doing what he thinks is right but my prayer for this year is he would see the need to have God in his life. Not my way or what I think God needs to do but God would meet Kevin where he is. I also pray for all three of my girls and that they would have a closer, personal relationship with God. I have learned my expectations are not always Gods and it isn't what others see that is important but our heart. In the past it has been more comfortable for me to have my family do the right thing in human eyes. But in many ways it is more truthful for them to not live a lie just to please me. God doesn't want us to be luke warm. Either cold or hot but the fact is,at times I would rather them be luke warm. How sad it is I put my needs before those I love. So that is my prayer, and hope I will be trust God for this year.
Trust in the Lord with all thy heart and lean not unto thy own understanding, in all thy ways acknowledge Him and he will direct thy paths. Prov 3:5&6