Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Time to Panic

It is offical close enough to Christmas for me to start to panic. I waited to late to start shopping and then I need to get my house ready for parties and Christmas morning. By the way Christmas morning is really early at our house. 3 am. Kevin seems to always get the short straw when it comes to working on Christmas and the girls still want to open present on Christmas morning instead of waiting. He has to leave at 4am so we have to start really early! After he leaves we all go back to bed. Then go to my parents for dinner and when Kevin gets off work we open presents.

So I could use some help with the Christmas Eve party. Each year who ever is home and can come we meet at Becky's (my sisters) or our house. We take turns. No presents are exchanged just have some fun on Christmas Eve. We started doing themes years ago and have gone through a lot of them So this year it is my turn and I was having a hard time coming up with a new theme. Past theme have been . . . dinner and a movie, the Grinch and green food; caroling; talent night; deal or no deal, Haley won $20 bucks and someone won a roll of toilet paper; who wants to be a millionaire; Mexican; Chinese; and mystery theater. Anyway after doing some search I found a 40's USO theme. So appropriate since it feels like we in the depression. Some ideas were swing dance. So since Britni is going to get married in the come month, years? hopefully soon, and will have dancing I thought it would be fun, and funny, to learn some basic dance steps. Kevin decided to make a dance floor in the basement and string lights, Mal's going to teach us some step. Now is where I get stuck. I need easy food ideas and anything else you can think of to make the evening fun. Let me know soon I'm running out of time.


Brittany said...

I always look forward to hearing what themes you and Becky come up with. I have NO ideas on food except that in the 40's it would've been simple and meat and potato kind of meals, right? I don't know. I'm sure it'll be great, whatever it is!

Julie said...

I am having a hard time. Maybe ham sandwiches? I also thought of carmel corn but that it. Weird supper?