Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Smart Clock

We have an alarm clock in our bedroom that is to smart. It automatically adjust the time for you. The problem is it thinks it knows when we're suppose to change the time and it on occasion thinks we should live in Illinois. So this morning it set the time back 1 hour. So Mal and I got ready for church and when we pulled in the parking lot we couldn't find a parking place which isn't usual for Sunday School. We then looked at the car clock and realized it was almost 11 (In. time) Sunday School starts at 10 and church at 11. We were really confused.
This same clock has 2 buttons on the top of it that is used to set alarm times but one day when I was changing it the buttons fell into it. So now we have to use a pencil and stick it down into it to try and change the clock. I hate this clock. Kevin uses a really cheap travel alarm and his watch alarm as back up in case the alarm clock changes or doesn't go off. Why don't we just buy a new one? Who knows?

1 comment:

Brittany said...

This whole post cracked me up.